An Eco-Documentary!

Join Greenfriends Australia in their journey to grow, harvest, cook and serve a community garden to those in need during the pandemic.

Part of the Amrita Virtual Academy Membership

GreenFriends Australia share an inspiring story...

In this workshop, get inspired and learn what it takes to:

  • Grow a community garden with love

    How did GreenFriends Australia take a period of isolation and turn it into a time of connection?

    Join them as they learn to stay connected to each other and the earth, while remaining socially distant during the pandemic!

  • Harvest the bounty as worship

    Can growing food be a spiritual practice? How can we adopt the attitude of selfless service towards the earth and all beings?

    Experience abundance and true love by extending Nature's bounty into home cooked meals for those in need.

  • Cook and serve wholesome meals

    Take GreenFriends and Mother's Kitchen into a full community cycle of growing, harvesting and serving.

    We can learn to see our fellow human beings as embodiments of the divine and extensions of nature.

What's in the Workshop?

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    "Grow and Serve" with Greenfriends Australia and Amritaculture

    • Video 1: Seeds of the Heart - An Introduction

    • Video 2: A Community Comes Together

    • Video 3: Hands in the Soil - Growing Together

    • Video 4: Harvest of the Heart - Mother's Kitchen

    • Assignment - What Will You Do?

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